Mostrando documentos 11-20 de 492.
Ordenados por número de citas en WoS Core Collection, descendentemente.
Título del documento |
Autores |
Datos de publicación |
Año |
Citas GS |
Citas WoS |
Scientific research activity and communication measured with cybermetrics indicators | IF Aguillo, B Granadino, JL Ortega, JA Prieto | Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(10), 1296-1302. | 2006 | 158 | 59 |
A new technique for building maps of large scientific domains based on the cocitation of classes and categories | F Moya-Anegón, B Vargas-Quesada, V Herrero-Solana, ... | Scientometrics 61 (1), 129-145 | 2004 | 184 | 58 |
Evaluating the informative quality of documents in SGML format from judgements by means of fuzzy linguistic techniques based on computing with words | E Herrera-Viedma, E Peis | Information Processing & Management 39 (2), 233-249 | 2003 | 133 | 57 |
How cross-disciplinary is bionanotechnology? Explorations in the specialty of molecular motors | I Rafols, M Meyer | Scientometrics 70 (3), 633-650 | 2007 | 105 | 53 |
How Journal Rankings can suppress Interdisciplinary Research–A Comparison between Innovation Studies and Business & Management | I Rafols, L Leydesdorff, A O'Hare, P Nightingale, A Stirling | Research Policy 41, 1262-1282 | 2012 | 106 | 45 |
Spanish personal name variations in national and international biomedical databases: implications for information retrieval and bibliometric studies | R Ruiz-Perez, E Delgado Lopez-Cozar, E Jimenez-Contreras | Journal of the Medical Library Association, 90(4), 411. | 2006 | 99 | 43 |
Development of a geographic filter for PubMed to identify studies performed in Spain | JM Valderas, J Mendivil, A Parada, M Losada-Yáñez, J Alonso | Revista Española de Cardiología , 59 (12), 1244-1251 | 2006 | 24 | 41 |
Comparing university rankings | IF Aguillo, J Bar-Ilan, M Levene, JL Ortega | Scientometrics 85 (1), 243-256 | 2010 | 103 | 36 |
Visibility of collaboration on the Web | H Kretschmer, IF Aguillo | Scientometrics 61 (3), 405-426 | 2004 | 102 | 34 |
The new excellence indicator in the World Report of the SCImago Institutions Rankings 2011 | L Bornmann, F de Moya-Anegón, L Leydesdorff | Journal of Informetrics, 6(2), 333-335. | 2011 | 82 | 34 |